Linda Parnell R.I.P.

It is with the heaviest of hearts today, that we share the news of the death of Linda Parnell after a short illness. Finding the words to express how much Linda meant to us, is difficult in the extreme.

To the club, Linda was everything. The countless tasks that she took on, were always done with a smile and always in great spirit. But it was the warmth and love that she imparted to everybody, was her greatest contribution to our small club.

Ballymun Kickhams was like an extra family to Linda, and we all felt the same about her too. The intimacy of a small club, means that the loss of Linda is felt so deeply by us all. We all loved her! All our lives will be different from now on, but we are so enriched for having shared our time with Linda, THE most caring, warm and loving person of us all. She was the best of us.

To Kenny, Sean and Cian and the wider Cleary and Parnell families, we offer our heartfelt and deepest sympathies. We cannot express our thanks to you all for the generous time you granted Linda to spend with us as a club and we will all be forever grateful. The executive committee, of which Linda was a most valued member, would like to express our deepest sympathies on behalf of all our members and friends and the wider GAA community.
May she now rest in peace.
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(As a mark of respect to the Parnell Family we have taken the website down till Nov. 14th. Thank You )